Monday, August 25, 2008

Sad Face

It's totally no surprise that I can put Lithium for Lead in my Chemistry Common Test (Which I stupidly did almost everything carelessly wrong) when I can call Roslina, Silvana, without noticing after Silvana was trying to tell me I made a mistake for 20 seconds. 

Besides, last thursday, I actually called Deborah Lee, Dao Xin. 

My brain needs to function!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beautiful in Bossa



Hope chips help. Not adding on to the weight, but help keep my brain cells alive! :D

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Starting Afresh

Cleared the whole itunes. Time to let the songs that triggers the memories lingering at the back of my mind go. Memories, whether the sweet or sad. 

Starting afresh might be a good thing. Oh yes, I am getting a new Ipod because my current one is well, malfunctioning. Now, that's after I dropped it some many times and I remember having it drenched. Thinking about the Black Ipod Classic. It looks sexy. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

And so I thought you loved me so

You spoiled the last half an hour of my day. 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weight Matters

Due to the daily visits to Cold Storage recently, I've actually gained a few pounds. Every visit to Cold Storage doesn't leave me going home empty handed. And every trip to the kitchen makes me want to take something to eat. 

Thus, the a slice of bread a meal/only dinner(school doesn't sell milk bread) scheme will start on Monday. Plus, I'm having salad for lunch tomorrow. (Entirely coincidental, mind you)

p/s Amaths is driving me crazy. On a lighter note, the Common Tests are overrr!
p/p/s Science SPA Assessment next week. I'm scared for Biology. 
p/p/p/s A few more weeks to the FYEs! I need a break. 

陳肥兒 上

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In the Kitchen

The disgustingly sickening lizard in my kitchen ought to be caught. 

Any idea how to leave the house lizard free? 

I hate lizards. 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Common Tests 2

A1 for all subjects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be back on the 16th!

edited: (11 aug 3.11am) Studied chem for 15 hours straight. Very very accomplished and tired, although I'm still not done with chemistry revision.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The weather's gloomy, makes me sad.

I may go to school tomorrow. Trying. Will see how. 

p/s I've been living on bread and porridge. I'm to drink lots of fluid, the doctor says. 

Monday, August 4, 2008





Update: 5 Aug 08; 沒發燒了﹐但是還是咳嗽咳得很厲害。

Friday, August 1, 2008

All time Favourites


It happened again!

Every single time when I pack my bag for next day's school, something will crop up and I can't go to school! Just like today! Roar.