Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In the Kitchen

The disgustingly sickening lizard in my kitchen ought to be caught. 

Any idea how to leave the house lizard free? 

I hate lizards. 


chyan wen said...

HAHA yeah now then only you know how gross lizards are. Can you imagine 1 fell onto my leg before EEWWW. Anyway, the best thing to do is to just leave it there and let it die of old age. Or you can buy lizard traps (but someone would have to clear the body).

Cho 2 said...

I knew it all the while!!!!!
Let it die of old age right, the lizard will have another lizard coming in to eat it!

Omg if there's like 2 lizards in the house and it happens that one's female and one's male, THEN THEY FALL IN LOVE AND MATE THEN MY HOUSE BECAUSE LIZARD HOSTEL ALREADY LUH!!!!