Tuesday, November 10, 2009



每一餐,不只是一個填飽肚子的時候; 而是一個與家人溝通的良好機會。好多人也許會覺得要等全家人一起用餐是一件極度麻煩的事情。但係,我卻很希望每一日o既每一餐都有幾樣簡單的送加上一碗熱騰騰的濃湯在桌上,一家三口有傾有講,有說有笑,共度日日的晚餐。

Monday, November 9, 2009


Ok, this time's for real. I am going to start blogging here once the O levels are over :)


Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm back!

How's that? 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Moved back to lj.

Will come back to blogger when I feel like it bye. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009


The noise from the television set and the cars on the road is taking away the concentration I require to do my math sums. The air is stale and oxygen seems scarce in my room. But here I am, listening to 'Love Story' and reading a book. 

A Sunday shouldn't be like this, especially when you've got a whole load of tests to prepare for the week to come. I need oxygen to support the activities my brain cells should be performing. I need silence too. 


Chinese New Year is just next week but I haven't exactly got enough clothes for the 3 days of visiting. I've only gotten a pair of pants and some new accessories (Tibet style, sexy). I'll get more accessories and I am in a desperate need for new tops. My tops are getting old and boring. I'm just hoping not to overspend, although I always do. 

After 2 weeks of school, I still feel floating around like a ghost aimlessly. I haven't set any resolutions. I do have a couple of things I'd like to achieve but I haven't really sat down to think, how? 

I guess I really need to start getting more serious when it comes to preparing for the pretty intimidating, big Os. I need the confidence I need too. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have anticipated this long before, that when school reopens, my blog will be even more boring. My blog has turned into an online organiser of some sort now. 

  1. Physics Test on Wednesday (21/1) - Chapters 1 to 7
  2. Amath Test on Wednesday (21/1) - Holiday Assignments
  3. Literature Test on Friday (23/1) - Whale Rider (Whole Book)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tomorrow is Friday! 
Tomorrow is Friday! 
Tomorrow is Friday! 
Tomorrow is Friday! 
Tomorrow is Friday! 
Tomorrow is Friday! 

I am happy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's the 2nd week of school and I already feel the pressure, the need to work harder. I feel the must to get my A1s. I hope I'm not stressing myself up too much and I don't want to push myself too hard either but sometimes it takes all these to do well I guess?

There's no time to waste. And I'm sure hard work will pay off. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This feels so bad

To Do List

To Self:
  1. Emath test revision
  2. Print SPA Physics WS
  3. Chemistry TYS: Air
  4. Biology SPA Skill 3 Worksheet
  5. Chinese Mock Paper MCQs
  6. Second Draft: Greed (tuition)
  7. Social Studies WS
  8. Mole Concept (tuition)
  9. Static Electricity (tuition)
  10. Plane Geometry (tuition) 
This entry will self destruct when I'm done with everything. The sooner the better (: 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Am too busy with Sec 4 workload to update something good enough. 

So, let the title say it all. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am so dead. 
Reason: School 


Thursday, January 1, 2009

A brand new year! Time flies and I am officially Sec 4 tomorrow. 

This celebrates my 10th year of friendship with Chyanyweny too :)
(Our friendship will last even when we lose all our teeth! haha)

Ok so I'm not exactly ready for school tomorrow with undone homework here and there, and books for next year still in the popular plastic bag on the chair in the dining room. 

Amath is still killing me. Ciao.