Sunday, January 18, 2009


The noise from the television set and the cars on the road is taking away the concentration I require to do my math sums. The air is stale and oxygen seems scarce in my room. But here I am, listening to 'Love Story' and reading a book. 

A Sunday shouldn't be like this, especially when you've got a whole load of tests to prepare for the week to come. I need oxygen to support the activities my brain cells should be performing. I need silence too. 


Chinese New Year is just next week but I haven't exactly got enough clothes for the 3 days of visiting. I've only gotten a pair of pants and some new accessories (Tibet style, sexy). I'll get more accessories and I am in a desperate need for new tops. My tops are getting old and boring. I'm just hoping not to overspend, although I always do. 

After 2 weeks of school, I still feel floating around like a ghost aimlessly. I haven't set any resolutions. I do have a couple of things I'd like to achieve but I haven't really sat down to think, how? 

I guess I really need to start getting more serious when it comes to preparing for the pretty intimidating, big Os. I need the confidence I need too. 

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