Sunday, July 27, 2008

A new Beginning

You would perhaps ponder, why another blog, Joey? 

I'd love to continue filling up chapters my life at but because it's a paid domain, I feel obliged to make use of the space I have got with all the fanciful plug-ins wordpress offers. However, time restricts me from doing so. Therefore, since I do not feel so guilty for abandoning pluckthoseflowers today, I decided to start a new blog with blogger. 

I am also making this blog cantonese, english and chinese. I have been owning quite a number of blogs, separating my entries of different languages. However, I have decided to merge them all into one, since they would all be written by myself. 

Sometimes I choose to express myself in different languages because my brain always processes information and thoughts I may have in the different languages I can comprehend and compose with.

Will be around again soon.


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