Saturday, November 29, 2008


Updates soon. 

Friday, November 28, 2008

You're in luck! Because I posted a photo of myself (and of course, Miss Monteiro as well), in a pose you'll never see me do again. 

(my pinky looks dislocated or something but never mind about that)

Okay so I have finally decided to link the people whose blogs I actually read. I couldn't help putting the M after Amelia for her link because I mean...

Amelia VS Amelia M. 

Amelia M. just looks so much better, right? 

Anyway, Miss Chia Ming Xuan unlock your blog because you know I'm a faithful follower of it and come online for goodness sake thank you good bye have a nice day. 

Update: 22:42: Ohsostellarrr is unlocked woohoo! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

黑胡椒雞 + 飯


食得我lam lam脷!
I love my new tripod :D

p/s Third time blogging today!

I must be addicted to blogging. Second time, today. 

So the English composition is done and now my brain cells are getting fried because of Chinese assignments. What's with the homework anyway, what's the point?!

I miss China, a lot. In fact, the 10 days spent there are almost the happiest days spent during this November. 

The above picture's taken with the tour guide. She had to speak to us in English because we had friends who didn't understand Mandarin. So anyway, she managed to deliver and everything turned out nice. She finds us(Amelia and I) funny and we find her cute too. 

I really want to go back to China. For another trip or something. 

By the way, the weather has been really bad these few days. The heat is unbearable. I wish Singapore could snow. 

p/s I feel like baking/cooking/reading/swimming/sleeping
p/p/s Oh shit I have to cut my fringe....... again. 

Every day I wait with excitement for the next episode.

p/s 5th entry for the day.
p/p/s entry is for personal reference.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Birthday Wishes

I was just sitting at a corner, wondering if my sixteenth birthday will be wonderful. Afterall, it's supposed to be sweet, right? 

Less than 5 more months to go. 

Why am I thinking about it now, already? 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

China Exchange Trip Part 2

Here's my buddy, Jianing. I stayed with her for 6 nights. And yea, she's wearing her uniform. Although it was a short while, we spent great times together and knowing each other better. Her family took great care of me and I had so crabs for so many meals during my stay!  


Stupid Amelia, argh. 

I look as if I'm pro, but my works were crap. 

Another group picture, initiated by Kaimin!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

To summarise today, it was funny. Yes, funny's the absolutely correct word.

Just like this photo:

Now stop laughing. Stop it. 

By the way, I love bangs! Especially when they're on me :D 

China Exchange Trip Part 1

Amelia was almost like my buddy throughout the trip! Almost all the photos in my camera are taken with her.

The last ten days were really good, it was great to leave Singapore and well, just enjoy a whole new environment. Pollution was disturbing, and I couldn't stand the massive number of smokers in China. But overall, most people in Hangzhou were nice (Shanghai, maybe not all) so it's alright I guess.

More soon! 
I'm back with more than 30 kg of stuff from China. Woo la la. 

I love Shanghai and Hangzhou! 

Saturday, November 15, 2008

TVB's 41st

Go Raymond Lam and Tavia Yeung!!!!

Update 23.29:

I am so happy that Raymond got 2 awards and Tavia got one! I was hoping for Raymond to bag three but it's alright :)

I'm high now. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

I think I'll officially move back to blogger and let my livejournal be a place where I insert my flickr photographs in posts. 

If you were expecting a post about Hangzhou then perhaps you would be diasppointed because I'm not updating about that. Will do one long one with those magnificient, and some silly photographs when I get myself back to the tropical island.

People may think I read hocc's blog because I simply love her voice or her productions ya da ya da. Well pehaps that was the reason why I first stumbled on her blog. However, what kept me going back again and again was the kind of impact and influence those words she posts have on me.  

For example, her recent entry mentioned how we should believe in ourselves. I know that is cliche but sometimes humans need constant reminders and her post came in handy because I stumbled on this post when I was crestfallen and felt suppressed, oppressed, like a failure. And the jump shots she did to accompany those simple yet enlightening words were really helpful. (If you think they're lame, I can't help it)

Her entries kind of changed my diet as well. She posted this video on her blog and it totally stopped me from eating pork since a couple of months ago: 

(the video was trying to stop people from killing animals and eating meat and to be a vegetarian and all but yeah, I really can't. So pork's what I won't eat.)

Enlarge if you would like to. 

So yea, she's probably my favourite blogger now. From favourite singer to favourite blogger. How cool is that! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hang Zhou!


Okay so I arrived at China late yesterday night and I was staying at this Shanghai hotel which I had to sleep on extremely hard beds and yeah. I only managed to catch 2 hours of sleep or something. I ended up watching Amelia trying to find the most perfect posture she could have on that hard bed at 5 in the morning when I woke up. Quite funny.

Oh and Amelia said something really funny and I said I was going to blog about it but I forgot what it was. Nvm, you get it. 

Oh back track, the plane ride. Watched Wall.E and Happy Funeral(I cried!) on the plane. The international meal was cool, I used the cheese spread that was meant for the crackers on the bun so I made buns taste good for once!

Then today was really short and simple. It was just, coach ride and I slept and we had lunch and shopped for awhile. Amelia, Chermaine and I wanted to get SIM cards very badly but didn't in the end because of the hassle and all. Then we walked around the area we could shop at and there was nothing buy. We were quite disappointed so we ended up having ice cream and Dairyqueen or something. BLIZZARD. Oh and at dairyqueen, I had problems pronouncing the flavour name of the BLIZZARD I wanted and the guy at the counter ended up correcting me! I should have hidden my face somewhere or something. 

Then I arrived at 14th Middle School which apparantly is a top school in Hang Zhou. Met my buddy and she brought me for macs dinner due to the time. They are really nice and that's also why I'm here blogging because she let me use her computer! :D Then it was the china supermarket and then her home. 

I'm tired now and I'm off for journal reflection and yeah goodnight! 

I'm a little homesick btw.