Friday, November 14, 2008

I think I'll officially move back to blogger and let my livejournal be a place where I insert my flickr photographs in posts. 

If you were expecting a post about Hangzhou then perhaps you would be diasppointed because I'm not updating about that. Will do one long one with those magnificient, and some silly photographs when I get myself back to the tropical island.

People may think I read hocc's blog because I simply love her voice or her productions ya da ya da. Well pehaps that was the reason why I first stumbled on her blog. However, what kept me going back again and again was the kind of impact and influence those words she posts have on me.  

For example, her recent entry mentioned how we should believe in ourselves. I know that is cliche but sometimes humans need constant reminders and her post came in handy because I stumbled on this post when I was crestfallen and felt suppressed, oppressed, like a failure. And the jump shots she did to accompany those simple yet enlightening words were really helpful. (If you think they're lame, I can't help it)

Her entries kind of changed my diet as well. She posted this video on her blog and it totally stopped me from eating pork since a couple of months ago: 

(the video was trying to stop people from killing animals and eating meat and to be a vegetarian and all but yeah, I really can't. So pork's what I won't eat.)

Enlarge if you would like to. 

So yea, she's probably my favourite blogger now. From favourite singer to favourite blogger. How cool is that! 

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