Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hang Zhou!


Okay so I arrived at China late yesterday night and I was staying at this Shanghai hotel which I had to sleep on extremely hard beds and yeah. I only managed to catch 2 hours of sleep or something. I ended up watching Amelia trying to find the most perfect posture she could have on that hard bed at 5 in the morning when I woke up. Quite funny.

Oh and Amelia said something really funny and I said I was going to blog about it but I forgot what it was. Nvm, you get it. 

Oh back track, the plane ride. Watched Wall.E and Happy Funeral(I cried!) on the plane. The international meal was cool, I used the cheese spread that was meant for the crackers on the bun so I made buns taste good for once!

Then today was really short and simple. It was just, coach ride and I slept and we had lunch and shopped for awhile. Amelia, Chermaine and I wanted to get SIM cards very badly but didn't in the end because of the hassle and all. Then we walked around the area we could shop at and there was nothing buy. We were quite disappointed so we ended up having ice cream and Dairyqueen or something. BLIZZARD. Oh and at dairyqueen, I had problems pronouncing the flavour name of the BLIZZARD I wanted and the guy at the counter ended up correcting me! I should have hidden my face somewhere or something. 

Then I arrived at 14th Middle School which apparantly is a top school in Hang Zhou. Met my buddy and she brought me for macs dinner due to the time. They are really nice and that's also why I'm here blogging because she let me use her computer! :D Then it was the china supermarket and then her home. 

I'm tired now and I'm off for journal reflection and yeah goodnight! 

I'm a little homesick btw. 

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