Saturday, September 27, 2008


Shotos(Saturday Shots in short, my version) shall be my new campaign, to make it a norm for me to post photographs on Saturdays. So here are some. (I know I was supposedly on hiatus, and I am supposed to be studying. Oh well, throw the supposes away because I can't keep to rules, even my own.) 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Out of the Box

Today had a strange kick off. 

My eyes were half opened at 6.30am, packing my bag for the day. I heard my phone vibrating vigorously and went to pick it. Gladys phoned me and she requested for a ride to school because there were no cabs outside the side/back gate of the estate. So I sent her to school. I was almost late for school today because I refused to wake up and spent a few precious minutes contemplating if I should go to school. (My back hurt after waking up from a horrible nightmare and yeah, Monday Blues) 

So I rushed to school. After my dad alighted me at the foyer (with Gladys of course), I ran to the mini forum in the shortest time and EXCOs were really mean! They were anticipating my absence today at school so Cynthia will freak out because she is my reserve for pledge duty. (Kana you meanpok) 

Lessons were fine. As usual, Chemistry is Greek, Amath fried my brain cells and Literature was hilarious. I almost fell asleep during Emath. 

Not good

Sunday, September 21, 2008


青山黛瑪 - Hocc
曲/編: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/何秉舜@goomusic
監:陳奐仁for the invisible men/何秉舜@goomusic/hocc@goomusic

你是有病的 所以被寵~愛
留住半邊青山 因你在
你讓世上幾多哲學家 自信不~再

人類意難平的 一切問題 你都一笑避開
世間太傻 而你是天~才
旁人話你悲~哀 不過在你眼中 清醒才悲哀

旁人全部也一本通書 向前看
你是絕美的 不過未釋~放
囚在最荒的島 不靠~岸
博士及智者 給發明品 自我安~葬

人類以為強於 拯救地球 卻總摸錯地方
良善的光 在彼方 唯有你 才能開荒

好想學你 安居這套房
旁人全部也一本通書 向前看

旁人全部也一本通書 向前看





Thursday, September 18, 2008

Racing with time

Nothing's bothering much besides time. Basically exams' a stone's throw away and I am not exactly prepared for any paper. Especially chemistry. I realised how weak my concepts are for chemistry. For geography and biology, I lack the little details. I have problems comprehending literature texts. I need to learn how to write my Essay Questions for Social Studies appropriately and learn how to infer from sources like cartoons. Chinese, just when I thought it was my best subject, my grades are going down the drain. English, oh English, oh how I wish I could express myself clearly when writing. Math, oh how can I forget, the Amath and the Emath, they cause my brain cells fried and the extent of the pain is definitely not negligible. Physics is fine for now, as long the teachers do not put anything from the first semester into the final year paper. 

Tomorrow's the English paper and there's nothing much I can do about it. My CA grades for English is horrendous too thus, there's no way I can count on it. 

I need help, but I guess no one can lend me a helping hand. Only I can help myself now. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Serious this time. 

Making History

I'll be the first/one and only to score a C for CME. 


Sunday, September 14, 2008

中秋節 2008


Mini Durian Mooncakes from Regent Hotel


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lazy Saturdays

"Haha, smellycho. You talk too much. Stop talking and get well soon so that you can come back to sch. I don't mind you stinking the sch up! haha!"

- Cynthia

That was really sweet of you Cynthia. Sorry for seeing it only after 4 days of being in the pink of health. 

Today wasn't very productive. I didn't manage to complete any weekend assignments which include Emath and Geography. Maybe there's more to the list, but I really don't want to know about them. 

On a lighter note, I bought a new calculator! Casio's fx-82AU. 

Casio's always a better choice. 

And this is what I'll work on for the night. 

Sidenote: I think Cilia sounds cute. 


i need a haircut.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Bunked with Ariel, Christabel, Chyan Wen, Jia En. Sorry Jia En for making so much noise every night. 

Didn't manage to do as much work as I thought I could during the 2 night stay at Nacli's Pasir Panjang 301. Activities took away all my energy and time. By the time I was ready to do what I wanted, lights had to be off. Even if that wasn't the case, my eyes would not have the will to remain wide open and my brain would once again, malfunction. Well, at least I did a chinese cloze passage.

I enjoyed the camp, besides the fact of the bad fall and mosquito bites and captains ball(not because my team didn't win okay! But I don't get why we play captains ball during camp). Besides that, it was a 3 day continuation of insanity. 

Especially the last day of camp. We have to report at 7.30am every morning for assembly but nobody gave a damn to Ariel's pretty much alarming (and very freaky that sounds-like-Artrillian) alarm. Beauty sleep is always more important. Oh well, the 5 people in 301 happily woke up at 7.15am and we rushed down to report! We went there at 7.31am!!!!! Thank god we weren't the latest to arrive or else it'd be so embarrassing. 

Am awaiting for some more photographs from Chyan Wen :)

p/s I realised my dream of raising a flag since P1 during NACLI! Yes, I raised the NACLI flag. Wasn't very well raised and it was stressful because the guides were raising the other two. I didn't do it too well but at least I did it :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Break for NACLI. Will be back on Friday (:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Teachers' Day, meant for the kids

There's a reason to write you
a love song

Love you: Daphne, Chyan Wen, Shanice, Janell, Jenna(the photographer of the day who refused to appear in any photos)