Monday, September 22, 2008

Out of the Box

Today had a strange kick off. 

My eyes were half opened at 6.30am, packing my bag for the day. I heard my phone vibrating vigorously and went to pick it. Gladys phoned me and she requested for a ride to school because there were no cabs outside the side/back gate of the estate. So I sent her to school. I was almost late for school today because I refused to wake up and spent a few precious minutes contemplating if I should go to school. (My back hurt after waking up from a horrible nightmare and yeah, Monday Blues) 

So I rushed to school. After my dad alighted me at the foyer (with Gladys of course), I ran to the mini forum in the shortest time and EXCOs were really mean! They were anticipating my absence today at school so Cynthia will freak out because she is my reserve for pledge duty. (Kana you meanpok) 

Lessons were fine. As usual, Chemistry is Greek, Amath fried my brain cells and Literature was hilarious. I almost fell asleep during Emath. 

Not good

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