Thursday, September 18, 2008

Racing with time

Nothing's bothering much besides time. Basically exams' a stone's throw away and I am not exactly prepared for any paper. Especially chemistry. I realised how weak my concepts are for chemistry. For geography and biology, I lack the little details. I have problems comprehending literature texts. I need to learn how to write my Essay Questions for Social Studies appropriately and learn how to infer from sources like cartoons. Chinese, just when I thought it was my best subject, my grades are going down the drain. English, oh English, oh how I wish I could express myself clearly when writing. Math, oh how can I forget, the Amath and the Emath, they cause my brain cells fried and the extent of the pain is definitely not negligible. Physics is fine for now, as long the teachers do not put anything from the first semester into the final year paper. 

Tomorrow's the English paper and there's nothing much I can do about it. My CA grades for English is horrendous too thus, there's no way I can count on it. 

I need help, but I guess no one can lend me a helping hand. Only I can help myself now. 

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