Friday, October 17, 2008


Life has been really busy for the past couple of days, like a total load of things to do. And I am not ill and lying on a bed with panadols by my side, mind you. 

Besides the recent updates of my well, life, I have this obsession over mascara right now. It seems as if I cannot leave the house without it on the tip of my eyelashes. (Am absolutely not a fan of fake eyelashes please, oh gosh) But what annoys me is simply the chore of clearing them. I occasionally detach a few, and pretty long lashes off the edge of my eyelid, what a sore. 

Ciao for now. Need to do some shopping, online, like new clothes for the ipod touch because the current one's too loose for it. Trying to get sumajin but I'll see. And yeah, I really need to get some rest as well and tomorrow is off for shopping again for the Hang Zhou trip in early November. 

For some silly, non-existent reason, I really miss my passport. 

Oh and Happy Birthday, Michaela! Just like how you replied me in your sms, we're both old. Yeah, we sure are. Happy, or sad. 

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